
You’re Invited! – Free Auslan & Deaf Interpreters Workshop 💼

May 10, 2019

You’re Invited!

Understanding the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Free Workshop

Dear Practitioner,

The Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health (CEH) has been contracted by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to support the rollout of the NDIS in Victoria.

In order to support language professionals to understand the language and concepts of the new disability system, CEH will run a series of free workshops in Victoria, including regional areas.

Understanding the NDIS is a free, two-hour workshop (receiving 10 NAATI PD points) for interpreters and translators to support their understanding of the language and concepts of the new disability system. Workshops by language group will run most weeks until June 2020.

The Auslan and Deaf Interpreters workshop will be on 12 June 2019.  For additional information please see the attached flyer.

Should you wish to attend to this workshop, you will need to register using the link below:

Register Here

Auslan & Deaf Interpreters Workshop Flyer