
Grant received !!!

October 28, 2019

ASLIA is a proud recipient of an ANZ & Sydney Mardi Gras Community Grant.

Thank you to ANZ for their commitment to investment in the community!

National LGBTQI+ community grants program has awarded ASLIA $10,000.

Funds will be used at our upcoming ANC2020 workshops and for developing our profession further through the following:

ASLIA wants to provide education and training about the LGBTIQA+ Community to interpreters.

The nature of the project is twofold:

  1. Workshop: provide training for Auslan/ English interpreters and Deaf interpreters on the topic of the Deaf LGBTIQA+ community, which will be presented by the Deaf Queer Community themselves;
  2. Filmed Resource: this workshop will be recorded, edited and adapted with additional information, to then become a resource, available for Auslan/ English interpreters and Deaf interpreters and the Deaf LGBTIQA+ Community to access

This will of course be completed in collaboration with the Deaf LGBTIQA+ Community.
