Mental Health Interpreting

Monash Mental Health Interpreting Guidelines for Interpreters – 29.XI.2017

Interpreter Self Care Kit 2020 – Deafness and Mental Health Service QLD

Information and webinars  – free subscribe – Resources, supports – USA – Victorian Transcultural Mental Health a model of counselling – Black Dog Institute resources

Podcasts: The GP Show; All in the Mind (ABC Radio National)

Events: Check out the Eventbrite website and search mental health in your local area.


Wessling, D. M., & Shaw, S. (2014). Persistent emotional extremes and Video Relay Service interpreters. Journal of Interpretation23(1), 6.

Guardino, D. L. (2018). Certified Deaf Interpreters’ Psychological Well-Being and Coping Mechanisms in Medical Situations. Gallaudet University.

Chin, D. L. (2019). Embracing Vulnerability: Exploring the Need for Strength-Based Interventions to Support the Mental Health of Sign Language Interpreters.

Levinger, Miriam (2020) “Triad in the Therapy Room – The Interpreter, the Therapist, and the Deaf Person,” Journal of Interpretation: Vol. 28: Iss. 1, Article 5. 

Zafirah, Noor Khatijah; Dyer, Annabella; and Hamshaw, Richard J. T. (2020) “The Impact of Compassion Fatigue on Mental Health Sign Language Interpreters Working with Children: A Thematic Analysis,” Journal of Interpretation: Vol. 28: Iss. 2, Article 7.