
Introducing the Editors of ‘The Debrief’

January 16, 2019

Now that we have a name for our new blog, we would like to introduce our new co-editors of The Debrief, De and Dani.

De is a certified provisional interpreter. She lives and works in Adelaide with her family and menagerie of pets.

Dani lives in sunny Queensland. She has been working as an academic in the Deafness and (mental) health space for the last 7 years. Dani is also a Diploma of Interpreting student.

We are both very excited to be working on The Debrief! This is a new adventure for us both. We are looking forward to working with the ASLIA community to share your ideas and experiences in a way that will ignite conversations and strengthen the interpreting profession.

If you want to get in touch with us, you can find us at



De Brown and Dani Ferndale
The Debrief co-editors