
We’re changing our name!

May 15, 2023

As you might recall, ASLIA has been rather busy preparing a new constitution and proposed restructure for you our members to vote on. We are proposing these changes to sure-up our association so that it is sustainable and inclusive of all our members moving forward.

NAATI recently launched their new credential, Recognised Practising Translator (Written English into Auslan) making NAATI the first organisation in the world to offer a credential in signed language translation. This change presents an exciting and appropriate opportunity for ASLIA to more accurately reflect the industry and include both sign language interpreters and translators in the name of our professional association. This change will also align the two peak Associations ASLIA and AUSIT (Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators).

We are excited for this change and would love your input on a refreshed name for your professional association. We want you to send us your ideas and suggestions for how the word ‘translators’ can be included.

Any and all ideas are welcome. Please send your ideas to by Thursday May 18th.

We will compile all the ideas and send them out for you to vote on shortly after that.

Warm Regards,
ASLIA National Board