
Language Sector Sustainability Survey from Department of Home Affairs

June 15, 2023

Dear members,

The Migrant English and Language Services Branch in the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs (the Department) has prepared this survey to better understand your experience and perspective as an interpreter or translator. The survey will be open until 5pm, 30 June 2023 and is expected to take up to 25 minutes to complete.

Your answers to questions in the survey will help us make sure that in future there are enough interpreters and translators to meet the needs of the Australian community including those with low English proficiency. In other words, we wish to hear from you about how to make the sector sustainable.

Your participation in the survey will provide the Department with valuable insights about the language services sector, including the opportunity to consider options to improve sector sustainability.

The Department will consider your responses and may include some of the high-level findings into an Issues Paper to Government as part of the broader Multicultural Framework Review. We hope to be able to share key findings of the survey later in 2023, and appreciate your continued engagement on these issues.

NAATI has confirmed with the Department that the participation of NAATI credentialed interpreters and translators in this survey will earn them 10 Professional Development (PD) points toward recertification of your NAATI credential under Section 2.15 of the PD catalogue. NAATI credentialed interpreters and translators wanting to earn these points should take a screenshot of the final screen upon completion of the survey for sharing with NAATI for their records.

Click here to respond to the survey by 30 June

The Department of Home Affairs thanks you for your participation and assistance in helping us to support Australia’s interpreting and translating sector.


For more information about this survey, please contact Language Policy at