
Special General Meeting Minutes

August 17, 2023


Hello Members,

Recently, ASLIA National held our Special General Meeting. Thank you to everyone who came. We had 46 people attend, 41 eligible to vote.

The Resolutions were passed:
1. Vote to close as an Incorporation and change to a Company Limited by Guarantee – Passed with 92% approval
2. Vote to change the name of the Company by Limited Guarantee to Australian Sign Language Interpreter and Translators Association, ASLITA – Passed with 83% approval
3. Vote to accept the proposed ASLITA Constitution – Passed with 95% approval
4. Vote to give authority to board members and secretary to enact the processes to fulfil these changes – Passed with 95% approvalThe minutes from the SGM are attached below.This is a fantastic outcome for our association. The next steps involve the Board submitting applications to the appropriate authorities. We will continue to work with the lawyers from Baker and Mackenzie who have committed to supporting the national and state associations through this complex process.In the mean time, we will continue to update you with progress as it happens. The next major national event will be in Nov, the mini conference with AGM. Please continue to keep an eye out for communications from your state association as we will need you to attend your sate SGM or AGM to formally vote to close the incorporated stated associations. It is a formality, but an important one that needs to follow correct legal process.Once again, thank you to our membership for your support through this process. It is drawn out and complex but ultimately for the betterment of our association.

Minutes of Special General Meeting
ASLITA Constitution
A note about the Company Limited By Guarantee Membership Form

We have voted to become a Company Limited By Guarantee (CLG). CLG affords the similar legal protections as an incorporated association. However, members agree to contribute a nominal amount each, in this case $10, should the CLG cease to exist in the future and have outstanding debts. Once we have confirmed we are legally set up as CLG, we will be asking members to complete and return a Membership Form.

The membership form is not asking you to pay $10 right now. The form is requesting you commit to providing the $10 guarantee amount if:

  1. ASLIA ceases to exist AND
  2. ASLIA has outstanding debts when it closes
Warm Regards,
Belinda Roberts