
NDIS 101

Hosted by ASLIA Victoria and Deaf Victoria

Sat 28/07/2018 | Starts: 9:45 am | Ends: 2:00 pm | State: National, VIC/TAS | Venue: Melbourne Polytechnic, Prahran Campus

Deaf Victoria and ASLIA Victoria are joining forces to present a one day forum about all things NDIS.  There will be two streams – one for the Deaf community, and the other for Interpreters.  We are pleased to announce that Alex Jones (NSW), an interpreter trainer, Deaf Interpreter and a Senior Planner-Service Delivery with the NDIA, will be presenting in the Interpreter stream.  This is alongside a financial expert, Ryan Gook, and Michelle Ashley.

You can read the draft schedule here. This event will not be live-streamed.  

Member: $20.00
Non-member: $40.00
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NDIS 101