Team Interpreting 2020
Hosted by ASLIA NSW/ACT & The Deaf Society
Sun 13/12/2020 | Starts: 3:00 pm | Ends: 6:00 pm | State: NSW | Venue: ASLIA Live (via Zoom) only
Kirri Dangerfield is a NAATI Certified interpreter who started working in the field back when interpreting teams were a bit of a novelty. When working in teams became a bit more of the done thing, the different ways interpreters worked together (or didn’t) sparked Kirri’s interest into devoting her PhD candidature to research all things team interpreting. The topic of team interpreting is so fascinating and so many variables in each and every assignment that we do. Making the time talk about our work is vital to success in providing equal access to all participants of the interaction. Kirri never gives up the opportunity to waffle on about team interpreting to anyone who looks vaguely interested. So it is the perfect opportunity for this workshop to discuss the very important aspects of team interpreting: Preparation, on the job (prompting and support), debrief, and everything else in-between!
NAATI PD Points | 1.4 (10pts) |
All Enquiries | |