
IS and Role of Accredited IS Interpreters

June 28, 2019

WFD and WASLI Statements on the International Sign and the role of Accredited International Sign Interpreters

The World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) and the World Association of Sign Language Interpreters (WASLI) have jointly developed the following statement to increase the awareness about the International Sign (IS) and the role of Accredited International Sign Interpreters.

“WFD-WASLI Accredited International Sign (IS) Interpreters”

This document describes International Sign interpreting, and the WFD-WASLI accreditation system for International Sign Interpreters, which applies to both Deaf and hearing interpreters.  Further, the information illuminates the path for learning how provide services within the international context.

Click this link to see the statement in both International Sign and English.

“WFD-WASLI Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about International Sign”

This content addresses the many common questions that both organizations receive about International Sign, dispels the myths about IS as a language and how best to learn it, and where IS has been used.

Click this link to see the statement in both International Sign and English.

Both statements are designed to assist organisations and individuals that may be tasked with planning international conferences and communication access, and individuals that are interested in issues related to International Sign.

The WFD and WASLI Boards thank Dr. Robert Adam for writing the FAQ section, and to the members of the WFD-WASLI International Sign Accreditation Advisory Board (ISAAB) and WFD-WASLI accredited interpreters that chose to contribute.

And we also would like to thank Mr. Ashley Kendall for his assistance with the videotaping and editing of this document.