Sub-Committee: Educational Interpreting
The scope of the ASLIA Interpreting in Educational Settings (IES) sub-committee is to advance the interpreting competency and professionalism of those providing Auslan/English interpreting services within the domain of K-12 (Kindergarten to Grade 12) educational settings. The aim is to address workforce issues on a national basis – particularly by providing information, resources and support – to work towards decreasing the number of persons working in this domain without interpreter training qualifications and/or NAATI (National Accreditation Authority of Translators and Interpreters) credentials, and subsequently, increasing the numbers within the workforce with interpreter training qualifications and/or NAATI credentials at a minimum Certified Provisional Interpreter Level.
Auslan version:
Chair: Daniel Hately
Committee Members:
- Julieta Caroll (Qld)
- Peta McNaughton (Qld)
- Daniel Hately (NSW)
- Lewis Ophel (ACT)
- Lucy Wilmore (Vic)
- Laz Carter (Vic)
- Teresa Maiolo (SA)
- Dani Pritchard (WA)
- Tahlicia Osie-piku (WA)
Sub-Committee: Mental Health Interpreting
The scope of the ASLIA Mental Health Interpreting (MHI) sub-committee is to advance the competency and professionalism of sign language interpreters working with consumers of mental health services and their immediate stakeholders. The committee aims to address workforce issues on a national basis and provide access to information, resources and support. By increasing the expertise of interpreter practitioners working in this specialised area, the MHI sub-committee aims to contribute to better outcomes for consumers experiencing mental health issues.
Chair: Vacant
- Karen Clare(VIC)
- Russell Watts (VIC)
- Liz Temple (NT)
- Bernie Chapman(QLD)
Sub-Committee: Policies & Procedures
The P&P working party is reviewing ASLIA documents that guide our industry including policies, procedures, position statements and guidelines.
The purpose of the review is to:
- read thoroughly all fifty plus documents
- ascertain the relevance of the content of current documents
- update documents where necessary
- create new content for new documents
- design a template for each type of document i.e.a policy/procedure/position statement/guideline
- standardise the layout and formatting of all documents
- standardise and update the language used in all ASLIA documents
- Make each doc more readable and identifiable
- introduce version control
- Introduce a master tracking document to record progress and changes to each document
Chair: David McQuiggin
- Bernie Chapman
- Danielle Vicary
- Danielle Ferndale
NAATI Regional Advisory Council
Regional Advisory Committees Regional Advisory Committees (RACs) have existed in some form since the 1980’s to assist NAATI to receive advice from the profession and the community, across Australia, on a regular basis. Each RAC is supported and administered by the relevant State Manager. Members are drawn from a cross-section of the community including representatives from professional associations, local language service providers, government bodies, educational institutions, community bodies and individual practitioners. RAC members are appointed via a nomination through their local NAATI Office.
The major roles of the Regional Advisory Committees include:
- Providing advice to NAATI on all local matters to do with industry needs and professional issues in the relevant state and territory
- Considering advice or requests for advice from NAATI
- Assisting in raising community awareness of NAATI and the value and appropriate use of accredited practitioners.
- Facilitating the exchange of information among local networks of practitioners, educators, industry, government and other stakeholders.
- Assisting the NAATI Board in its periodic consultations with industry stakeholders; and
- Undertaking local initiatives as approved by NAATI.
ASLIA state association representatives on state NAATI RACs
- Victoria – Tarcia DeWit
- New South Wales – David McQuiggin
- Western Australia – Danielle Pritchard
- South Australia – Vacant
- Queensland – Vacant