
ASLIA (WA) Got Your Back


Hosted by ASLIA (WA)

Sat 21/11/2020 | Starts: 2:00 pm | Ends: 4:00 pm | State: WA | Venue: Bendat Community Centre, Lakeside Room, 36 Dodd Street, Wembley

Got Your Back! Make your well-being a priority.

Due to the increase of VRI work in our industry, ASLIA (WA) proudly presents Dr Ryan Lamp from Lamp Chiropractic to provide a workshop on keeping our bodies healthy.

November 21 2020
Bendat Community Centre
Lakeside Room,
36 Dodd Street, Wembley

Join us in person to receive:
* Your free initial assessment and treatment plan from Dr Ryan Lamp
* Gift Bag

Face to Face (limit 20 people)
Members $30
Non-members $60

Livestream – presentation only $15

NAATI recertification category 1.5 (10 points)
Presented in English
English-Auslan Interpreters provided

NAATI PD PointsNAATI recertification category 1.5 (10 points)
Attending Livestream
In person attendance will receive:
* Your free initial assessment and treatment plan from Dr Ryan Lamp
* Gift Bag
Livestream participants will have access to presentation only.
Member: 30 Member: 15
Non-member: 60 Non-member: 15
Register Now Register Now