
ASLIAQ 2022 Far North Qld PD Afternoon

Sat 22/10/2022 | Starts: 12:00 pm | Ends: 3:00 pm | State: | Venue: 37 Pease Street Manoora

Dr Maree Madden is facilitating two Professional Development workshops for NAATI Certified Provisional Interpreters and Educational Interpreters located in far north Queensland!

When: Sat 22 October 2022

Workshop 2: 12.00 pm – 4.00 pm for Educational Interpreters (presented in English)
This workshop will focus on the impact that language deprivation
may have on the language skills of deaf students. The workshop is
designed to be interactive. Participants will be given opportunities to
apply their knowledge in discussions of various models of
interpreting in educational settings.

Location: 37 Pease Street Manoora.

Cost:  members $0 | non-members $40

Afternoon tea and Lunch is provided!

Face to face only. No Zoom.

NAATI PD Points1.4 (10 points) or 1.4 (20 points for full day)

Register Now

ASLIAQ 2022 Far North Qld PD Afternoon