
Implementing the Recommended National Standards for Working with Interpreters in Courts and Tribunals

Hosted by School of Humanities & Languages (Interpreting & Translation Program) and the Faculty of Law

Thu 12/04/2018 | Starts: 5:45 pm | Ends: 8:30 pm | State: National, NSW | Venue: G04 Law Faculty building - Kensington Campus, UNSW

Launched in 2017, the Recommended National Standards for Working with Interpreters in Courts and Tribunals is a significant milestone towards uniformity in court interpreting across jurisdictions in Australia. This symposium aims to discuss the recommended national
standards, the ways they can be implemented, the challenges ahead and the roles played by different stakeholders. Bringing together the judiciary, interpreting practitioners, agencies, educators and students, AUSIT and NAATI, the event will provide a forum for collaborative
discussion of this important new development in legal interpreting.

There will be a Panel comprising some members of the Specialist Committee appointed by the Judicial Council on Cultural Diversity that produced the Recommended National Standards to answer questions from the audience. We ask that you familiarize yourself with the document before the event and come prepared to ask specific questions:


5.45 – 6.30 pm Welcome Refreshments and Registration
6.30 – 6.35 pm Opening (Associate Professor Ludmila Stern)
6.35 – 6.50 pm Background Introduction (Professor Sandra Hale)
6.50 – 7.20 pm Description of the contents of the Recommended National Standards (Justice François Kunc,
Supreme Court of NSW)
7.20 – 8.20 pm Panel Q&A -­ (Moderator: Associate Professor Ludmila Stern, Panellists: Justice Melissa Perry,
Federal Court of Australia (Chair of Specialist Committee), Justice François Kunc, Supreme
Court of NSW, Professor Sandra Hale, UNSW, Mark Painting, NAATI CEO, Dr Rocco Loiacono,
AUSIT National President)
8.20 – 8.30 pm Conclusion (Associate Professor Ludmila Stern)

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Implementing the Recommended National Standards for Working with Interpreters in Courts and Tribunals