Online Forum held 25/3/20
March 26, 2020New Zealand Sign Language Interpreters working in the emergency media space met with ASLIA Chairperson and Daniel Hately Thanks to our colleagues across the ditch for sharing your knowledge and experience.
Open letter from World Federation of the Deaf to World Health Organisation (WHO)
March 25, 2020
Joint Statement – Deaf Australia and ASLIA
March 23, 2020Access to information relating to the COVID-19 pandemic Auslan Version Text Version
Tips for using video technology for meetings
March 23, 2020
Thank you Professionals Australia for supporting our employment longevity and safety!
March 22, 2020Thank you to Professionals Australia for supporting our employment longevity and safety! Here is an excerpt: Interpreters around Australia provide essential services to CALD communities, including the deaf community, in line with governments’ multicultural commitment as well as access and […]
Media release re NDIS participants and supports
March 22, 2020