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  • IES WEbinar: Ask Us Anything

    $10.00 (member price: $5.00)

    Ask Us Anything 

    Webinar livestream of event 

    This PD gives educational interpreters, from all over Australia, the opportunity to ask all the questions they may have been to scared or embarrassed to ask, and have them answered by a panel of experienced and knowledgeable educational interpreters.

    Learning from each other is one of the best ways to improve your practice. That’s why we have given our fellow EIs a zero judgement, 100% confidential platform to, literally, ask us anything.

    This webinar took place on 14th June 2022 

    Hosted by ASLIAs Interpreting In Educational Settings Committee 

    Contact emailinfo@aslia.com.au
    NAATI PD Points2.20 (10 points)
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