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All Products

  • Language First Present: Interpreting for Students with Language Deprivation

    $30.00 (member price: $15.00)

    When: Thurs October 30th 2025 7:00 – 9:00pm AEDT (6:30pm ACDT; 6:00pm AEST; 5:00pm AWST)

    How do we ensure our work is truly accessible and meaningful when working with students with language deprivation?

    In this expert-led session by Language First, we’ll explore evidence-based strategies to navigate the unique challenges of interpreting for students with language deprivation.

    This recorded session will be presented live, allowing us to engage with the content together. Throughout the session, there will be opportunities for discussions, reflection, and practical application of key concepts.

    Join us as we explore:

    • The impact of language deprivation on learning
    • Strategies for adapting interpretations to meet the needs of language-deprived students
    • How to recognise and address gaps in language access
    • Practical techniques for supporting student engagement and understanding

    This session is a must for any educational interpreter working with Deaf students who have experienced delayed or disrupted language acquisition!

    Auslan<>English Interpreters will be provided at this event.

    $15 members

    $30 non-members


    Language First

    NAATI PD Points1.4 (10 points)
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  • Auslan 101: Designed for Educational Interpreters

    $30.00 (member price: $15.00)

    When: Thurs September 4th 2025 7:00 – 9:00pm AEST (6:30pm ACDT; 5:00pm AWST)

    Interpreting is more than just conveying words, it’s about accurately representing meaning, structure, and intent in Auslan. In educational settings, interpreters are often the only language model a Deaf student has access to, meaning our choices directly impact their language development and comprehension. A solid understanding of Auslan linguistics helps Educational Interpreters make informed decisions, ensuring that our interpretations support both conceptual accuracy and linguistic integrity.

    Join us as we explore:

    • The building blocks of Auslan
    • How linguistic knowledge can inform our interpreting choices
    • Common linguistic challenges in Auslan interpreting, and strategies to navigate them.
    • Why understanding Auslan linguistics helps bridge gaps in meaning, intent, and student comprehension.

    Whether you’re looking to deepen your understanding or refine your skills, this session will provide practical insights to enhance your interpreting practice and support clear, natural, and linguistically accurate Auslan interpretations for the students you work with.

    Join us to explore how linguistics can strengthen your Auslan interpreting!

    This event is Auslan immersive and will not be interpreted.

    $15 members

    $30 non-members


    Darlene Thornton

    NAATI PD Points1.4 (10 points)
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  • Show, Don’t Tell: Exploring Linguistic Features of Auslan

    $30.00 (member price: $15.00)

    When: Mon June 16th 2025 7:00 – 9:00pm AEST (6:30pm ACDT; 6:00pm AEST; 5:00pm AWST)

    Ready to deepen your understanding of Auslan’s rich linguistic features? Join us for Show, Don’t Tell: Exploring Linguistic Features of Auslan, an engaging workshop designed for interpreters and practitioners who want to elevate their use of depicting signs and constructed action techniques.

    Auslan’s visual and spatial nature offers unique ways to convey meaning—far beyond words alone. In this workshop, we’ll dive into three powerful tools:

    • Depicting Signs – Learn how to effectively represent objects, actions, and environments to bring messages to life.
    • Constructed Action/Dialogue – Explore techniques for embodying characters, emotions, and perspectives in a way that feels authentic and natural.
    • Co-constructed Techniques – Discover how to skillfully share the signing space and co-create meaning in dynamic interactions.

    Through hands-on activities and practical examples, you’ll develop skills to “show” rather than “tell,” creating clear, engaging, and visually rich interpretations.
    Workshop Highlights:

    • Guided practice in applying these techniques.
    • Strategies to improve clarity and audience engagement.
    • Opportunities to collaborate and receive expert feedback.

    This event is Auslan immersive and will not be interpreted.

    $15 members

    $30 non-members


    Stef Linder

    NAATI PD Points1.4 (10 points)
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  • Reading Minds, Reading Signs: Closing the Theory of Mind Gap for Deaf Students

    $30.00 (member price: $15.00)

    When: Wed May 21st 2025: 7:00 – 9:00pm AEST (6:30pm ACDT; 5:00pm AWST)

    Theory of Mind (ToM) is a crucial cognitive skill that underpins communication, social interaction, and learning. For Deaf students, differences in access to incidental learning and social cues make ToM an important consideration for educational interpreters.

    Join us as we explore the concept of Theory of Mind and discuss how it relates to our work. This session will cover:

    • The foundations of ToM and its development in children and adolescents.
    • How ToM shapes interactions, learning experiences, and peer relationships.
    • Strategies to support perspective-taking, inferencing, and comprehension in interpreted settings.
    • Practical applications—how an understanding of ToM can enhance our role as interpreters.

    Whether you’re looking to build on existing knowledge or gain fresh insights, this workshop will provide valuable perspectives and tools to support Deaf learners in their cognitive and social development.

    Join us for an engaging and thought-provoking discussion on the role of Theory of Mind in educational interpreting!

    Auslan<>English Interpreters will be provided at this event.

    $15 members

    $30 non-members


    Dr. Karin O’Reilly

    NAATI PD Points1.4 (10 points)
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  • ASLITAQ 2025 January General Meeting


    The Room Where it Happens

    Join your ASLITAQ Committee at the monthly general meeting. This the room where it all happens, this is where to discuss and decide all things advocacy, professional development and social events. Attending a meeting is a great way to get to know your committee and to have your say about PDs and events and get involved.

    Attending a general meeting is an opportunity to gain NAATI validation points.

    This is a members only event.


    Date: Thursday 30th January

    Time: 6:30 AEST

    Location: Zoom

    NAATI PD Points1.6 (10 Points)
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  • Placeholder

    Protected: ASLIA WA Mock NAATI CPI Test

    $20.00 (member price: $10.00)


    A practice workshop with immediate and actionable feedback designed to follow the NAATI testing process for candidates sitting their CPI test.

    Date: Saturday Jan 18 2025

    Location: 339 Oxford St, Leederville

    Time: 10:00AM – 2:00 PM

    Members: $10

    Non-members: $20

    Please contact for expressions of interest.

    NAATI PD Points0pts
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  • Protected: Intra-ASLITA Committee Check-in & Catch-Up




    In light of the ASLITA presidential changes coming in 2025, and general changes happening in our ASLITA space, the board would like to invite everyone – yes, everyone! – state committee members, specialist committees, chairs, and secretaries to meet as one organization. This catch-up is only for those working inside the ASLITA space – not for general members to attend.

    Let’s meet each other across state lines (some for the first time!), check in, discuss 2025 and what that looks like for us.

    Date: Sunday 19th January


    2:30PM AEST Brisbane


    12:30PM AWST WA

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  • Placeholder

    Access All Year (Signed with Cheer!) ASLIA (WA) EOY Social Event

    $20.00 (member price: $0.00)

    ASLIA (WA) would like to invite you to our end of year social event!

    2024 Has been  a massvie year and we would love if you could join us for some fun and games, drinks and catch up conversations!

    What to expect:

    Some ANC catch up workshops to kick things off- think of round table discussions nothing too heavy!

    Door prizes and a hamper raffle!

    Games of all shapes and sizes!

    Free food and drink! (1 alcoholic drink provided free)



    Date: 15th December 2024

    Time: 3:00PM – 8:00PM

    Location: Herdsman Lake Tavern

    Cost: Free for members, $20 for non-members


    We would love to see you there! Feel free to dress up and bring some festive cheer!


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