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State Based Events & Products

  • Debra Swann and Kate Frost

    ASLIA SA & DSDVA Domestic violence in the Deaf community

    $60.00 (member price: $30.00)

    Thank you to Debra Swann and Kate Frost from Deaf Survivors of Domestic Violence Australia (DSDVA).

    We are very grateful to Debra Swann and her co-presenter Kate Frost for this presentation, which will cover Debra’s research, Debra and Kate’s insights, and interpreting in these situations.
    Half the cost of this webinar will be donated to Deaf Survivors of Domestic Violence Australia (DSDVA).
    Presented in Auslan only.
    NAATI Points – 1.5. Attended a formal training session, workshop or seminar relating to family violence, access and equity or other issues impacting on culturally and linguistically diverse communities in Australia. 10 points
    Author/sDebra Swann and Kate Frost
    Revalidation PointsNAATI Recertification: 1.5 10 points
    NAATI PD PointsNAATI Recertification: 1.5 10 points
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  • WEBINAR – Recertification

    $40.00 (member price: $20.00)

    Recertification: Tips, Tricks and How-to!

    Recertify with ease.

    Presented in Auslan with English captions and voiceover.

    Author/sASLIA (WA)
    Revalidation Points1.5 (10 points)
    NAATI PD Points1.5 (10 points)
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  • ASLIAQ 2021 – Working Collaboratively: Deaf and hearing Interpreters PD

    $90.00 (member price: $45.00)
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    NAATI PD Points1.3 (20 points)
    Must Be A Member
  • Placeholder

    Testing Testing 1 2

    $50.00 (member price: $25.00)



    Navigating sound and lighting requirements at live public events

    This workshop is aimed at interpreters who are or will be interpreting in live public events. It discusses the usual sound set up used in public events, the common issues interpreters experience and some possible solutions to these. You will learn some basic sound concepts, and be introduced to the sound equipment used in these settings.

    This workshop will cover:

    • Basic sound concepts EG How sound works
    • Pre assignment discussion for sound requirements
    • Equipment
      • In ear monitoring
      • Monitor screens
      • Foldback speakers
    • Lighting
    • Microphone technique A-E interpreting
    • Sound checks
    • Common issues interpreters experience

    Come join your colleagues in gaining sound tech knowledge and practical skills to manage the common pitfalls that arise for interpreters at live events.

    Registrations close 27th June 

    NAATI PD Points1.4 (10 points)
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  • It’s like I am not really there- Ethical reasoning skills and the interpreting profession

    $50.00 (member price: $25.00)

    It’s like I am not really there“: Ethical reasoning skills and the interpreting profession

    Since its beginning, the sign language interpreting profession has made moral and justice claims as its raison d’etre. That is, interpreters claim to provide access to deaf people. Interpreters also claim to make decisions that claim we can empower Deaf people. Further, interpreters claim to be allies, and of recent distinction, we have raised concerns for social justice.  However, when comparing our justice claims to our typical discourse norms, interpreters appear to fall short. In an earlier presentation, these discourse norms (i.e., use of heuristics) were highlighted as theoretically problematic. In this presentation, we consider the data behind this claim.

    For decades, the Center for the Study of Ethical Development has been collecting data on how people from around the world respond to an instrument that measures moral development and ethical reasoning. This measure, The Defining Issues Test (DIT) uses ethical scenarios in combination with a rating and ranking scheme to measure a respondent’s justice-reasoning, or the ability to reason beyond the conventions and to consider cooperative, collaborative, and shareable ideals.

    The DIT was administered to a cohort of 25 sign language interpreters in the US. This presentation reports on the DIT data that suggests that our heuristics do indeed impact our ethical reasoning. Normative data for different age, educational, and professionals also show that interpreters may lag behind those individuals they work with (doctors, lawyers, etc.).


    A note from ASLIA-Q and ASLIA-NSW

    These two ethics presentations by Robyn Dean build on each other. The first one raises awareness around the interpreting profession’s habits of speech or heuristics. Although the argument is research based, including qualitative data from interpreters, it remains a theoretical argument. The second presentation expands the theoretical argument and adds an additional layer: data from a standardised instrument that quantitatively measures ethical reasoning.  Even though these presentations build on each other, they are stand-alone presentations. It is not necessary to attend the first to understand the second.

    Participants will be given an opportunity to take the DIT to receive your personal ethical reasoning score in a confidential manner. Details will be made available upon registration for either session.


    Registrations close: 16th May 2021

    NAATI PD Points2.20 10 points
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  • ASLIAQ 2021 New Year Social – Deaf Community registration

    $5.00 (member price: $0.00)

    UPDATE: Registrations are CLOSED for this event. 

    The venue has limited spaces and unfortunately we have reached our maximum capacity.


    NAATI PD Points3.10 - 10 Points
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  • ASLIAQ 2021 New Year Social – General registration

    $10.00 (member price: $0.00)

    UPDATE: Registrations are CLOSED for this event. 

    The venue has limited spaces and unfortunately we have reached our maximum capacity.


    NAATI PD Points3.10 - 10 Points
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  • WEBINAR – Dr. Brett Best (USA): Small world ethics of social media & e-professionalism for signed language interpreters

    $80.00 (member price: $40.00)
    Author/sDr. Brett Best
    NAATI PD Points2.20 (10)
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